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Welcome to the ABC Music website.
The scope of our educational establishment’s endeavours includes:

SEMINARS (The "Sfumato ® “ Methodology)
I. "Blended Reading"
II. "Coping with a Poem"


Czech Republic Ministry of Education Accreditation
No. 27 986/2011-25-546
Slovak Republic Ministry of Education Accreditation
No. 2274/13766/2006/228/1

ABC Music Summer School for Teachers

For playschool (kindergarten) and primary (infant & junior) school teachers and
principals, school inspectors, educational psychologists, specialists in dyslexia,
and anyone interested in the teaching of reading


The “Blended Reading” Summer School will provide you with a deep insight into the topic. Those who complete this demanding government-accredited CPD course (ref. No. 29 328/2005-25-287) can apply all the basic information, methods, and instruction to their work as teachers and educators, so that they can prevent children from forming bad habits as has been the case with each and every reading methodology up till now (they always expect mistakes and errors to occur and therefore the need for reading re-education for some children).

“Each and every child has the right to learn to read fluently and with understanding. Each child can learn to read fluently, because there is a methodology that can enable all children to do so.” (June 2005)

PaedDr. Karel Tomek,
Director, Department of Pre-School, Primary, and
Primary Art Education, Czech Republic Ministry of Education

The secret of reading with understanding is harboured in the speed of CNS data processing (how fast the central nervous system works and processes information). So far, no reading methodology has allowed children to select their own learning speed to read.

The “Sfumato” methodology * is based on inclusive thinking [“inclusive education”], and this means that it is based on the individual approach, while taking into account differences in age and specialities. The child is concentrated, active, and pays attention all at the same time!

Blended Reading helps prevent double reading [i.e. 'pre-reading' or 'reading rehearsal']; through Blended Reading the child reads fluently and with understanding. In terms of physiology, a basis is formed for correct sound production by the organs of speech (e.g. correct breathing; all methodologies up till now were based on declamation techniques and formed bad breathing and phrasing habits – human speech is melodious). Every child must go through intonation development by first learning to shape and tone his/her voice while not forgetting the requirements of [vocal] hygiene. Such a child differentiates between a long vowel and a short vowel and s/he will learn to articulate carefully and precisely. However, the technical bases and intonation development must be accompanied by experience while learning the phones (sounds) and letters. And that is not all! When teaching dramatization of a text that is read as well as interpreted, good results cannot be achieved without the child having gone through a dramatic experience in real space!

“The technique of Blended Reading is in fact revolutionary. ...I am glad to say that this technique does not represent anything that would go against what neuropsychology and developmental psychology know today. On the contrary, in so far as I can say, it is very congenial that Blended Reading takes a complex approach to the initial teaching of reading... It distinguishes perfectly between the phonemic and graphemic forms of a word, perfects the ability to express oneself, and brings along with it reading with understanding, for which the world has been waiting for over 150 years. Let us share with our children the happiness that comes from reading.” (March 2003)

Prof Dr Zdeněk Matějček, PhD
Paediatric Psychologist, Prague Psychiatric Centre
Expert Guarantor and Honorary Member of the Czech Dyslexia Association

“Blended Reading” is for all children,
For all children have vision, hearing, and a voice!

:: course content | references | ten key points | binding application form ::

* About the Author – please click here.

Our first Summer School for Teachers – pictures' gallery – please click here.





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